Okay, since no one else is asking the question, I will. Where is Rev. Wright??
He is the only person I know to cause such a maelstrom and disappear without question or concern on the part of anybody. Someone early on said he was on vacation (getting ready to retire at the end of March) and then, he was out of the country, and finally the last I read, in Africa!! Wow. What about his family? Are they still in Chicago or gone too? What about members of the Church?? Any news anyone?? This is America isn't it where people are not supposed to just disappear. Then again, it is Chicago.
The media clearly doesn't think Wright's whereabouts matters since no one is looking for him. They did not see the need to look into a Wright story when Fox News first ran it in March of last year. Yes, that is right, in March 2007, Hannity at Fox ran a story about Rev. Wright and his Black Liberation Theology Church with its ties to BO but it was completely ignored by the major media. Just think what might have been different if they hadn't. Just a quick note: anyone catch the Easter Sermon at Trinity Church?? Lovely... about lynchings.
FOOTNOTE on Richardson......I have been mulling this one over and I think Carville is on to something with his thirty pieces of silver comment. It is documented that BO has donated thousands of dollars to the local races of super delegates presumably to warm them up to voting for him at the convention so why not Richardson? Actually, I am not a genius, Richardson himself gave it away in one of his many interviews this weekend (the man was clearly enjoying the limelight) when he mentioned his huge debt that he had acquired running for the presidency.
If that is not the reason for his endorsement, then possibly, you could think he is simply an opportunist climbing on the bandwagon of the person he thinks is the winner but why do that now? He is a little late---New Mexico already went for HC and the states with large hispanic votes are likewise done... So, the only other reason would be a spot on the ticket? Not likely. Two ethnic males will not be a very balanced team. Maybe a spot in the cabinet. Maybe....but that is a big prize to give away and Ricahrdson said it had not been discussed.
So, maybe Carville knows and that is why the thirty pieces of silver analogy. When you don't know why something is happening, remember.....follow the money.
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