I have been away from my blogging for a few days for a number of reasons. First I traveled to NY for business and some pleasure but returned with a bug. I was out of commission for about a week and during that time, I received word my sister had passed away. Renee, (in blue above) was a unique human being. Her family always came first and when we visited her, there was always plenty of food and good company. Early on, she purchased a cabin on a lake, that being her first venture into property but not her last. She was very shrewd when it came to buying and selling whether it was property or antiques. Her love of "old things" was something she shared with our mom and sister, Patty. (in white above) Donnie (the guy in the picture) and I were left out when those genes got passed around.
My kids and I loved going to the lake in the summer with Renee, Joe and their kids. We have so many wonderful memories. Last summer when this picture was taken, my kids threw a "big" birthday party for me and Renee and her children came to be with all of us. She created one more happy memory for us because shortly after the party, she was diagnosed with cancer and is now gone. Her love of family will remain with us and the comfort she gave all of us whenever we stopped in went beyond the food and drink, it soothed our souls and gave us respite.
And, she really wanted to vote for Hillary for President. We agreed if she wasn't the nominee, we were going to write her name in. I will keep that promise, Renee.
I am sorry to hear about the death of your sister. It sounds as if she was a wonderful person.
I am a friend of your daughter Emily and I just wanted to extend my condolences to you. Your sister was clearly loved and had much love to give. It is evident by your stories of her rich life.
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