Friday, October 3, 2008

She's Back.....

I have many thoughts about last night's Vice-Presidential debate and I found it necessary to weigh so much within the context of where I was coming from---be that as a democrat, a feminist, a regular person, and a "revengocrat" (what my daughter calls me-- meaning a former Hillary supporter).  So what I am about to say blends all of these parts of me and cannot always be separated out and categorized easily. 

First, she was in great form.  This is a person who has been doing presidential politics for five weeks and she is on a stage with a man who has 35 years in the political arena. Palin deserves a standing ovation for her performance. She looked right into that camera and talked to us.   She glanced occasionally at Biden when she was referencing him in some way but mostly she was crisp, strong and direct.  The moderator who chose the questions concentrated on foreign policy and I wondered whether that benefited Biden who is an expert in that area. Certainly, given the recent economic problems facing this country I thought that might have been the major topic but it was introduced early on and then passed over with questions about Iraq, Pakistan et al.  Here, there is no question that Biden was at his best.  He did get a little messed up explaining his vote to "authorize" the use of power against Iraq but then he sounded like Hillary.  For the most part though, his experience in dealing with international issues and leaders gave him the edge over Palin.  

Governor Palin and Senator Biden were dead even when it came to doing what Vice-Presidental candidates are supposed to do---be the attack dog.  Both went after their counter-parts at the top of the ticket.  Biden successfully tied McCain to the Bush policies and Palin was equally good at pointing out the "tax and spend" liberal policies of Obama.

Over-all, without any scientific measurement, I thought she won the debate.  Maybe that is because she survived when everyone, even her ardent supporters, were so worried she wouldn't do well.  Maybe it was because Biden looked old, something that hung over McCain's head last week while she looked energetic and strong. Maybe it was because she held her own throughout and had some excellent moments. Maybe you had to give it to her because he was clearly not her better and that, given their disparate levels of experience and expertise, makes her the winner.

How will this impact the over-all race?  Very little. However, it does make her the future star of the Republican Party and the future leader of the conservative movement in the party.  I had a feeling of foreboding that I remember I felt when I first heard Obama at the Democratic Convention in 2003.  I thought then, "watch out Hillary."  And I have the same feeling again. 

1 comment:

Michael C. said...

But Marilyn... she didn't say anything. Sure, she had some typed up talking points that she insisted on reciting no matter what question she was asked... and boy she sure did like reading them over and over and over again.

Just because she's a woman doesn't mean...